[js] Create an alert funtion by javascript

2025-1-10 写技术

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { (function() { // 创建模态对话框的 HTML 结构 var modalHTML = ` <div id="myModal" class="modal"> <div class="modal-content"> <p id="modal-message"></p> <bu...


标签: JS

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[python]Replace key words of all documents in a directory

2024-9-27 写技术

from docx import Document def replace_text_in_word(file_path, new_path, old_texts, new_text): doc = Document(file_path) for old_text in old_texts: for paragraph in doc.paragraphs: if old_text in paragraph.text: paragraph.text = paragraph.text.repl...


标签: python

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[linux]Copy text between host and vmware machine.

2024-8-29 写技术

If there are troubles while coping text between host and vmware machine. Try to install vmware tool by vmware menus. After failed in this way, try to run the command: ./vmware-user If the command not exists, you can install it by command: sudo apt install ...


标签: linux

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[linux] ping failed

2024-8-12 写技术

If ping failed. Maybe the localohst network is not available. Use the command ifconfig -a to find if the lo is available. Use the command ifocnfig lo to enable it.


标签: linux

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[python]Affine Transform

2023-11-3 写技术

import cv2 import numpy as np img = cv2.imread("book.png",1) img_org = img.copy() h,w = img.shape[:2] p1 = np.float32([[81,30],[378,80],[13,425]]) p2 = np.float32([[0,0],[300,0],[0,400]]) M = cv2.getAffineTransform(p1,p2) img = cv2.warpAffine(img,M,(w, h)) cv2.imshow("org",img_org) cv2.i...


标签: linux python

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[linux]Running sftp automatically by expect tools

2023-8-27 写技术

#!/usr/bin/expect -f send "mv ./models/weights/FCRNet.weights.h5 ./models/weights/FCRNet.weights.h5.back\r" expect "*python39*" spawn sftp -P 3222 root@log.anycle.com expect "*assword" send "dppppppppppasdas\r" expect "sftp>" set timeout -1 send "get /hy-tmp/FCRN/models/weights/FCRNet.wei...


标签: linux

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[linux] 文件分包压缩

2023-8-19 写技术

tar zvf data.tar.gz data #使用split命令 #-b 3G 表示设置每个分割包的大小,单位还是可以M、k #-d 参数指定生成的分割包后缀为数字的形式 #-a x来设定序列的长度(默认值是2),这里设定序列的长度为1 split -b 3G -d -a 1 data.tar.gz data.tar.gz.  #拆分文件执行命令后,生成压缩包如下,通过ll命令查看: -rw-r--r--  1 root     root      4194304000 May 20 1...


标签: linux

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copy files in windows

2023-6-20 写技术

D: cd D:\workspace\ for /D %%i in (*) do copy D:\workspace\%%i\*.mp4 D:\workspace\


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2023-6-5 写技术

ubifs 是一个异步的文件系统, 所以为了掉电的时候数据能保存完整, 最好使用-o sync 挂载文件系统


标签: linux

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[python]An example of argparse

2022-12-5 写技术

import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--arg1', type=int, default=2) parser.add_argument('-arg2',type=float, default=.5) parser.add_argument('arg3',type=float) args = parser.parse_args() print(args)


标签: python

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