Ubuntu on windows (WSL)

2021-8-6 写技术

After I installing the WSL by Microsoft Store failed, changed the network options to TLS 1.2 . And may be the location of domain must be America. That's all.


标签: ubuntu

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2017-7-11 写技术

昨天有人反应苹果手机不能访问我的物联网项目,我大惊,立马开始分析。 发现果然苹果端的safari连接websocket失败了。但是我确信之前一直用着好好的。可能是贱贱的A厂悄悄变更了某些软件吧,没办法,谁让世人都称他是老大,谁让你们那么多人没有iPhone不行呢。我只好认为我自己的服务器有问题了。 于是检查服务器的日志,发现websocket的握手过程显示协议错误。 那么我抓包分析下safari与其他浏览器的行为有什么不一样吧: 这是Google: Sec-WebSocket-Key:GX2sEWmKLhgktWvslt8xxw== Sec-WebSocket...


标签: ubuntu C linux

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2017-5-4 写技术

for file in `ls arm-*` do #ln -s $file ${$file/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi/arm-linux}; ln -s $file ${file/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi/arm-linux} done


标签: ubuntu

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[ubuntu]The volume "boot" has only 9 MB disk space remaining

2017-4-28 写技术

Open terminal and check your current kernel: uname -r  DO NOT REMOVE THIS KERNEL! Next, type the command below to view/list all installed kernels on your system. dpkg --list | grep linux-image  Find all the kernels that lower than your current kernel. When you know which kernel ...


标签: ubuntu

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[ubuntu]Install tftp server

2017-4-14 写技术

1.Install tftp-server sudo apt-get install tftpd-hpa sudo apt-get install tftp-hpa  tftp-hpa is client tftpd-hpa is server 2.Config sudo vim /etc/default/tftpd-hpa TFTP_USERNAME="tftp" TFTP_ADDRESS="" TFTP_DIRECTORY="tftp director" TFTP_OPTIONS="-l -c -s" 3.Restart ...


标签: ubuntu embedded

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[ubuntu]Debug a running process by gdb

2016-10-9 写技术

1.Find the pid; ps aux|grep xxxxx 2.Bind; gdb (gdb) attach 111111 3.Show stack (gdb) bt 4.Go next (gdb)next 5. (gdb) detach 6.Exit (gdb)q


标签: ubuntu

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[ubuntu]Install and set subversion server

2016-10-8 写技术

1.Install sudo apt-get install subversion 2.Create root fold of svn mkdir /var/svn 3.Create project svnadmin create /var/svn/project 4.Edit config /var/svn/project/svnserve.conf [general]  anon-access = none auth-access = write password-db = /var/svn/conf/passwd authz-db = /...


标签: ubuntu

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[ubuntu]Set static ip address for ubuntu

2016-8-15 写技术

1.Edit file /etc/network/interfaces auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway dns-nameservers 2.Reboot the system.


标签: ubuntu

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2016-3-3 写技术

1.安装 Ubuntu缺省安装了openssh-client,所以在这里就不安装了,如果你的系统没有安装的话,再用apt-get安装上即可。 安装ssh-server sudo apt-get install openssh-server 安装ssh-client sudo apt-get install openssh-client 2.确认sshserver是否安装好 ps -e | grep sshd   450 ?        00:00:00 sshd 如果看到sshd那说明ssh-server已经启动了。&nbs...


标签: ubuntu

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2016-3-3 写技术

首先要做的,就是阻止lightdm的进程开机启动。 做法: 一、查看文件/etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf,在第14行附近:确认“env DEFAULT_RUNLEVEL=2”。2是新装系统默认的,确保不被修改。 二、编辑文件 /etc/init/lightdm.conf,在第12行附近,原句“ and runlevel [!06]” 改为“ and runlevel [!026]”。 解释:linux系统都有一个运行级别(runlevel)的概念,不同的运行级别配置将导致系统的启动过程有很大差异,比如当配置 runlevel 为 1 是,是不进入图形界面的。系统启动过程...


标签: ubuntu

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