[ubuntu]How to start github

2015-10-30 写技术

Install git: apt-get install git Create a account: Visit github.com, register a account. Create a project in github.com. Create a new repository on the command line: git config --user.name=*** git config --user.email=***@anycle.com ...


标签: ubuntu

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[ubuntu]Set swap file on ubuntu12.04

2015-10-14 写技术

Creating the Swap File # dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=512000 512000+0 records in 512000+0 records out 524288000 bytes (524 MB) copied, 10.411 s, 50.4 MB/s # mkswap /swapfile Setting up swapspace version 1, size = 511996 KiB no label, UUID=7baa7ca8-c840-4c6e-bd53-038ce4e9a477 ...


标签: ubuntu

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[ubuntu]ubuntu 12.04 install redis

2015-10-9 写技术

1.Install redis $ wget http://download.redis.io/releases/redis-2.8.3.tar.gz   $ tar xzf redis-2.8.3.tar.gz   $ cd redis-2.8.3   $ make   $ sudo make install   #These files are put in /usr/local/bin now.  2.Copy some files important # cp ...


标签: nodeJS ubuntu

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[ubuntu]Set environment

2015-10-9 写技术

1. Edit environment file:     vi /etc/environment     Add something like ":/opt/nodejs/bin" in end. 2. Enable it:     source /etc/environment


标签: ubuntu

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