[Data structures]Second optimal search tree

2019-7-5 写技术

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef struct _BinaryTree{ int key; struct _BinaryTree *left; struct _BinaryTree *right; }BinaryTree; /* seq[] from 1 to n; sw[0] = 0 */ void secondOptimal(BinaryTree **T, int seq[], float sw[], int low, int high) { BinaryTree *p=...


标签: Data Structures data_structures

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[Data structures]Sequential search

2019-7-4 写技术

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int sequentialSearch(int seq[], int n, int x) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n && x != seq[i]; i++) { } if (i==n) { return -1; } else { return i; } } int orderSequentialSearch(int seq[], int n, int x, int *is) { in...


标签: Data Structures data_structures

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[Data Structures]Merge sort

2019-5-22 写技术

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> void merge(int *dst, int *src, int left, int middle, int right) { int i,j,k; k = left; i = left; j = middle+1; while( i<=middle && j<=right ){ if(src[i] < src[j]){ dst[k++] = src[i++]; }else{ dst[k++] ...


标签: Data Structures data_structures

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[Data structures]Heap sort

2019-5-21 写技术

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> void heapAdjust(int *queue, int len, int start) { int p = start; int left = (p+1)*2 - 1; int right = (p+1)*2; int min = 0; int tmp; while( left <= len-1 ){ if(right <= len-1){ if(queue[left] < queue[right]){ min...


标签: Data Structures data_structures

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[Data Structures]Selection sort

2019-5-17 写技术

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define MAX 65535 void simpleSelectionSort(int seq[], int n) { int i; int j; int min; int exchange; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { min = MAX; /* Get the least number */ for (j=i; j<n; j++) { if (seq[j] < min) { mi...


标签: Data Structures data_structures

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[Data Structures] Swap sort

2019-4-28 写技术

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> void bubbleSort(int seq[], int n) { int i; int j; int tmp; int exchange; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { exchange = 0; for (j=n; j>i; j--) { if (seq[j] < seq[j-1]) { /* swap j and j-1 */ tmp = seq[j]; seq[j] = ...


标签: data_structures

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