[linux] The tslib functionality test failed while installing qtlib

2017-2-14 写技术

The tslib functionality test failed!  You might need to modify the include and library search paths by editing  QMAKE_INCDIR and QMAKE_LIBDIR in  /usr/local/Qt_ARM/mkspecs/qws/linux-arm-g++. 1.If installed tslib or not? If not,install it. 2.If defined tslib path exactlly in ...


标签: linux

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[linux]__sync_add_and_fetch is not defined

2017-2-9 写技术

There's an error that "__sync_add_and_fetch is not defined" while I'm building Qt. Just because of gcc I used is version 3.4, It works after I changed gcc to version 4.6.


标签: linux

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[linux]Create multi virtual host in apache

2016-12-12 写技术

In http.conf or its sub config file: Must define like this: NameVirtualHost *:443 <VirtualHost *:443> DocumentRoot "/alidata/www/log" ServerName log.anycle.com:443 ServerAdmin you@example.com ErrorLog "/alidata/server/httpd/logs/error_log" TransferLog "/alidata/server/ht...


标签: linux

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[linux]Install mod_ssl.so in apache without rebuild apache

2016-12-12 写技术

1.Find my source code and apxs: ~$locate apxs /alidata/server/httpd-2.2.29/bin/apxs ... /home/tmp/sh-1.4.1/httpd-2.2.29/ 2.Enter the ssl directory of source code: cd /home/tmp/sh-1.4.1/httpd-2.2.29/modules/ssl 3.Run apxs: /alidata/server/httpd-2.2.29/bin/apxs -i -c -a -D HAVE_OPENSSL=1 -...


标签: linux

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2016-11-24 写技术

来来来,新技能,linux下构建lib库的步骤: 1、准备库函数源文件; my_add.c int add(int a, int b){ printf("Here is my_add.c\n"); return a+b; } my_sub.c int sub(int a, int b){ printf("Here is my_sub.c \n"); return a-b; } 2、生成目标文件; gcc -c my_add.c...


标签: C linux

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2016-10-25 写技术

1. 在root权限下,useradd只是创建了一个用户名,如 (useradd  +用户名 ),它并没有在/home目录下创建同名文件夹,也没有创建密码,因此利用这个用户登录系统,是登录不了的,为了避免这样的情况出现,可以用 (useradd -m +用户名)的方式创建,它会在/home目录下创建同名文件夹,然后利用( passwd + 用户名)为指定的用户名设置密码。 2. 可以直接利用adduser创建新用户(adduser +用户名)这样在/home目录下会自动创建同名文件夹 3.  删除用户,只需使用一个简单的命令“userdel 用户名”即可。不过最好将它留...


标签: linux

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2016-10-20 写技术

mosquitto虽然本身是支持websockets协议的,但却依懒libwebsockets库,而libwebsockets库是基于poll的,所以如果想把mosquitto改为epoll模式很容易,却不能兼容websockets了。 为了解决这个纠结的问题,这几天把websockets协议用C语言重新实现了一遍,然后将mosquitto中调用libwebsockets的部分用自己的代码取代,今天终于实现了websockets下的mqtt通讯功能。 首先一些websockets的结构放在websockets.h中: typedef struct _WebSo...


标签: C linux

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[linux]cmake:Could NOT find ZLIB

2016-8-10 写技术

$cmake .. -- CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE='' fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git Git commit hash: nicholas@ubuntu- CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-2.8/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:91 (MESSAGE):   Could NOT find ZLIB (missing: ZLIB_LIBRARY) (found ver...


标签: linux

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[embeded]qtopia:libqtopia.so: undefined reference to `uuid_generate'

2016-6-29 写技术

libqtopia.so: undefined reference to `uuid_generate' 这么一个错误,困扰了我好几天,网上的解决方案如下: #tar -zxvf &nbsp;e2fsprogs-1.39.tar.gz #cd e2fsprogs-1.39 #./configure --enable-elf-shlibs #make #cp -rf lib/libuuid.so* /usr/lib #sudo vim&nbsp;tmake/lib/linux-g++/tmake.conf TMAKE_LIBS_X11 = -lXext -lX11...


标签: embedded linux

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2016-6-24 写技术

阿里云的数据库跑了快一年了,今天登上终端打算看下数据的,结果mysql -u *** 弹回一个错误。ps aux|grep mysql结果如下 root       988  0.0  0.0   4400   740 ?        S    Jan04   0:00 /bin/sh /alidata/server/mysql/bin/mysqld_safe --datadir=/alidata/server/mysql/data --pid-f...


标签: linux

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