[embedded]audio: /dev/dsp: No such file or directory​

2017-5-17 写技术

madplay移植成功了之后可以播放第一支曲子了,于是 madplay /home/music/nic.mp3 可是,竟然出现: audio: /dev/dsp: No such file or directory 如果出现上述错误,想必是驱动的问题, 对于Embedded的驱动看了下配置: <*>Device Drivers--->      <*>sound card support ---> &...


标签: embedded

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[embedded]Port madplay to embedded system

2017-5-16 写技术

1.Prepare tar packages: libid3tag-0.15.1b.tar.gz libmad-0.15.1b.tar.gz madplay-0.15.2b.tar.gz zlib-1.2.3.tar.bz2 2.Install zlib cd zlib-1.2.3 ./configure -shared --prefix=/usr/local/madplay/zlib-1.2.3 vi Makefile CC=arm-Linux-gcc LDSHARED=arm-linux-gcc -shared -W1,-soname,libz.so.1 CPP=...


标签: embedded

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[embedded]How to install NFS on ubuntu

2017-5-12 写技术

1.Install. sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server 2.Config. vim /etc/exports Add a line to the end of file. /home/nicholas/.../busybox/busybox-1.13.3/_install *(rw,sync,no_root_squash,no_subtree_check) 3.Restart. /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart


标签: embedded

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[embedded]How to build phonon for arm

2017-5-12 写技术

1.Go to library directory of arm qt first. cd qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.6-arm/src/phonon 2.Here you can find that the true code is not in the directory by phonon.pro 3.But you can build as well. make make install 4.Head and library files will be insta...


标签: embedded

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[embedded]The first program about gstreamer like "Hello world"

2017-5-11 写技术

1.Install gstreamer librarys. But in my system its version is 0.10. gstreamer1-devel gstreamer1-plugins-base-tools gstreamer1-devel-docs gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel-docs gstreamer1-plugins-good gstreamer1-plugins-good-extras gstreamer1-plugins-ugly gstreamer1-plu...


标签: embedded

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[embedded]Unable to locate package

2017-5-11 写技术

If you apt-get install some package but return that error "Unable to locate package ***", That because of your system not support the package you choosed. Search the right package first by typing: apt-cache search *** Or typing: apt-cache serach ***|grep ****** ...


标签: embedded

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[embedded]Port an application by qtcreate to mini2440

2017-5-9 写技术

1. Copy arm-linux-gcc library to root file system. #cp /opt/crosstool/gcc-4.4.3/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/lib/*  busybox/_install/lib -a The "-a" options let soft link to new directory but not truely file. 2.Copy qt-arm library to root file system. #cp /usr...


标签: embedded

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2017-5-4 写技术

for file in `ls arm-*` do #ln -s $file ${$file/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi/arm-linux}; ln -s $file ${file/arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi/arm-linux} done


标签: ubuntu

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[embedded]usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/fcntl2.h:51:24: error: call to

2017-5-4 写技术

There is an error while building tslib. usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/fcntl2.h:51:24: error: call to That because of new version gcc: vim tests/ts_calibrate.c : if ((calfile = getenv("TSLIB_CALIBFILE")) != NULL) { cal_...


标签: embedded

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2017-4-28 写生活

有的动物,表面上是没有毛的,比如一些软体动物,比如蛇,比如地龙。 其实人本来是有毛的动物,后来毛退化了,也不知道从什么时候开始穿上了衣服,把身体裹得严实。 于是人几乎无法意识到自己其实是光溜溜的一种生物。 假如没有衣服的话,你想像一下,所有人都光溜溜地在路上走,光溜溜地在桌子边上坐,光溜溜地躺着睡觉, 多滑稽啊,大街上万头攒动,一条条,肉乎乎的,让人浮想联翩啊。是不是很像某些肉乎乎的动物挤在了一个小空间里啊。 突然之间,觉得,怎么看上去人这种生物有一点恶心呢? 哦,我明白了,肉其实是很恶心的东西,所以衣服是件好东西。 我明白了,身体本身是丑的,外面穿上漂亮的衣服就变得美了。


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