[OJ]1013: 狐狸与小狗
Description Upwinder最近喜欢上了一款古老的起源于Scandinavia(斯堪迪纳维亚半岛)的小游戏。具体的游戏规则如下: 1. 棋盘设定 棋盘的大小为8行8列,有两个玩家:狐狸和小狗。初始的时候有4只小狗被放置在棋盘最上边一行的4个黑色格子里;而1只狐狸被放在最下边一行的某个黑色格子里。以棋盘左上角为原点,向下为行的正方向,向右为列的正方向,从1开始给每一个格子编号. 2. 移动规则 (1) 两个玩家轮流下棋。 (2) 狐狸每轮可以斜着向上或斜着向下移动至相邻的一个空...标签: C
Description Are you watching closely? Every great magic trick consists of three acts. The first act is called The Pledge, the magician shows you something ordinary, but of course, it probably isn't. The second act is called The Turn. The magician makes his ordinary something ...标签: C
[OJ]1011:Counting Pixels
Description Did you know that if you draw a circle that fills the screen on your 1080p high definition display, almost a million pixels are lit? That's a lot of pixels! But do you know exactly how many pixels are lit? Let's find out! Assume that our display is set on a Cartes...标签: C
[OJ]1010:Water Drinking
Description The Happy Desert is full of sands. There is only a kind of animal called camel living on the Happy Desert. Cause they live here, they need water here. Fortunately, they find a pond which is full of water in the east corner of the desert. Though small, but enough. However...标签: C
Description James得到了一堆有趣的硬币,于是决定用这些硬币跟朋友们玩个小游戏。在一个N行M列的表格上,每一个第i行第j列的格子上都放有一枚James的硬币,抛该硬币正面朝上的概率为Pij,所有抛硬币事件两两之间是相互独立的。 现在,玩家在M列硬币中,从每一列里各选择1枚,共M枚,构成一组。如此重复选择N组出来,且保证被选择过的硬币不能再选。选好组之后,每组的M枚硬币各抛一次,如果都是正面朝上,则该组胜利,总分赢得1分;否则该组失败,总分不加也不减。请问,如果让你自行选择硬币的分组,游戏总得分的数学期望的最大值是多少? ...标签: C
Description A Horcrux is an object in which a Dark wizard or witch has hidden a fragment of his or her soul for the purpose of attaining immortality. Constructing a Horcrux is considered Dark magic of the foulest, most evil kind, as it violates laws of nature and morality, and requi...标签: C
[OJ]1005:Binary Search Tree analog
Input The first integer of the input is T, the number of test cases. Each test case has two lines. The first line contain an integer N,(1<=N<=1000), the number of numbers need to be inserted into the BST. The second line contain N integers separated by space, each integer is in the...标签: C
[OJ]1004:Xi and Bo
Description Bo has been in Changsha for four years. However he spends most of his time staying his small dormitory. One day he decides to get out of the dormitory and see the beautiful city. So he asks to Xi to know whether he can get to another bus station from a bus station. Xi is n...标签: C
[OJ]1003:UC Browser
You can get 10 experiences after using UC Browser one day in a row, 20 experiences for two days in a row, 30 experiences for three days in a row, 40 experiences for four days in a row, 50 experiences for five days in a row. If you use UC Browser six days in a row, the experiences you can g...标签: C
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- 繁花乱开,鸟雀逐风。心自宁静,纷扰不闻。
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- 对于不可控的事,我们保持乐观,对于可控的事情,我们保持谨慎。
2023-02-09 11:03
- 小时候,
2022-07-11 08:54
- Watching the autumn leaves falling as you grow older together
2018-10-25 09:45
- Goonog
i get it now :) - 萧
@Fluzak:The web host... - Fluzak
Nice blog here! Also... - Albertarive
In my opinion you co... - ChesterHep
What does it plan? - ChesterHep
No, opposite. - mojoheadz
Everything is OK!... - Josephmaigh
I just want to say t... - ChesterHep
What good topic - AnthonyBub
Certainly, never it ...