The warm automn in Changsha
These years more and more developing countries developed industry quickly. They costed much more carbon and forest than decades years ago.And they also put out much more greenhouse gases into the sky. The environment is now broken by people. So that the weather is becoming warm ye...[JS]How to transform from float to buffer by javascript
<head> <title>Float to Buffer</title> </head> Input Float: <textarea id="in"></textarea> Output ASCII: <textarea id="out"></textarea> <input type="button" value="Transfor" onclick="transf();" /> <br /> <br /> &...标签: JS
[JS]Transform from string to ASCII
<head> <title>String to ASCII</title> </head> Input String: <textarea id="in"></textarea> Output ASCII: <textarea id="out"></textarea> <input type="button" value="Transfor" onclick="transf();" /> <br /> <br /> ...标签: JS
[python]Edit excel by xlrd and xlwt
import xlrd import xlwt def edit_excel(fromFile, fromSheet): w_workbook = xlwt.Workbook() w_sheet = w_workbook.add_sheet("nicholas", cell_overwrite_ok=True) workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(fromFile) print(workbook.sheet_names()) sheet = workbook.sheet_names()[fromShe...标签: python
[python]Read excel by xlrd
import xlrd def read_excel(fromFile, fromSheet): workbook = xlrd.open_workbook(fromFile) print(workbook.sheet_names()) sheet = workbook.sheet_names()[fromSheet] sheet = workbook.sheet_by_index(fromSheet) print(sheet) row = sheet.nrows col = sheet.ncols ...标签: python
[python]An example of get web page by selenium
from selenium import webdriver from import By from import WebDriverWait from import expected_conditions as EC from selenium.webdriver.common.action_chains import ActionChains from selenium.webdriver.common.key...标签: python
How to install pytorch in ubuntu?
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio cpuonly -c pytorch 1.You'd better install packages one by one. 2.After enter the command, then you may see "there are some packages will be downloaded". If the network is not well, you'd better cancel the installing processing and then download it ...标签: DL
Ubuntu on windows (WSL)
After I installing the WSL by Microsoft Store failed, changed the network options to TLS 1.2 . And may be the location of domain must be America. That's all.标签: ubuntu
时间回到2018年,我到公司已经一年有余,公司是研发毫米波雷达的,我作为一个嵌入式软件工程师,对雷达原理确一窍不通。于是乎买来两本书,作好从头开始学习雷达的打算。打开书,除去雷达历史等的介绍外,几乎每一章节都或多或少地分布了各种各样的数学公式,小到微积份,大到付利叶变换,各种各样的符号、称呼,似曾相识却又恍如隔世。这个时候的我,毕业有七个春秋了。对于数学这种基本功,即使平常有所涉猎,也必不如当初。要想学好雷达原理,数学是一道迈不过的坎。于是乎我的目标由雷达转到了数学。 回到家里把尘封已久的数学教材翻了出来,看着看着又到网上找资料,没多久...[python]Display image with matplot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #plt.figure() img = plt.imread(image_path) plt.imshow(img)标签: python
- 有的时候,会站在分叉路口,不知道向左还是右
2023-12-26 15:34
- 繁花乱开,鸟雀逐风。心自宁静,纷扰不闻。
2023-03-14 09:56
- 对于不可控的事,我们保持乐观,对于可控的事情,我们保持谨慎。
2023-02-09 11:03
- 小时候,
2022-07-11 08:54
- Watching the autumn leaves falling as you grow older together
2018-10-25 09:45
- Goonog
i get it now :) - 萧
@Fluzak:The web host... - Fluzak
Nice blog here! Also... - Albertarive
In my opinion you co... - ChesterHep
What does it plan? - ChesterHep
No, opposite. - mojoheadz
Everything is OK!... - Josephmaigh
I just want to say t... - ChesterHep
What good topic - AnthonyBub
Certainly, never it ...