[linux]__sync_add_and_fetch is not defined
There's an error that "__sync_add_and_fetch is not defined" while I'm building Qt. Just because of gcc I used is version 3.4, It works after I changed gcc to version 4.6.标签: linux
[JS]How to set a navigation hight light dynamic
How to set a navigation hight light dynamic? There is a javascript solution: var url = window.location.pathname + window.location.search; url = url.replace(/(\/(p)\/\d+)|(&p=\d+)|(\/(id)\/\d+)|(&id=\d+)|(\/(group)\/\d+)|(&group=\d+)/, ""); $(".sNav").find("a[href='" + url...标签: JS
[JS]How to decode xml string
There's some part of my project. You must include the jquery first. var xmlDoc = $.parseXML( this.result ); var idx = 0; $(xmlDoc).find('Worksheet Table Row').each(function(){ }标签: JS
[JS]How to read local file in JS
How to read local file in JS? function jsReadFiles(files) { if (files.length) { var file = files[0]; var reader = new FileReader(); if (/text+/.test(file.type)){ reader.onload = function(){ $('body').append('<pre>' + this.result + '</pre>'); } ...标签: JS
我在玩诛仙3,这个游戏本身做得很好,很精致,同时它的官网会时不进推出些活动,今天晚上就是跨年了,完美给我们的礼物就是一个拼图游戏,好像拼得越快资历越好,我这人手拙眼穷,肯定是最慢的。但我有代码呀,呵呵! F12下去,打开了游戏页面的前端代码,看到它把一张图放到了5X5的矩阵里,形成25个小格子,其实每个格子就是一个DIV,每个DIV用background来显示图片,但图片是同一张,也就是原图,只是做了偏移,background-position不同而已…… &nb...标签: JS
[php]Judge client terminal is mobile or not
function isMobile(){ if (isset ($_SERVER['HTTP_X_WAP_PROFILE'])){ return TRUE; } if (isset ($_SERVER['HTTP_VIA'])){ return stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_VIA'], "wap") ? TRUE : FALSE; } if (isset ($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $clientkeywords = array (...标签: php
如果你在用thinkPHP做东西,并且又用到了七牛之类的CDN加速方案,那么你应该会碰到这种情况: 当你在一个文章上传了一张图片,图片能正常显示到前端页面,当你在另一个文章又上传了同一张图片,这个时候当前文章的图片能正常显示,可是之前的那文章的图片却不见了。这是怎么加速呢? 其实是因为thinkPHP对图片有指纹验证功能,同样的图片不会二次上传,这其中的指纹识别是记录到数据库中的。当系统通过这种技术检测到图片已经存在的时候,会进一步判断图片实际文件是否真实存在,如果不存在就把数据库里面当前图片记录删除。 那么问题来了,当你上传图片是存到CDN服务器上的,本地...标签: php
[linux]Create multi virtual host in apache
In http.conf or its sub config file: Must define like this: NameVirtualHost *:443 <VirtualHost *:443> DocumentRoot "/alidata/www/log" ServerName log.anycle.com:443 ServerAdmin you@example.com ErrorLog "/alidata/server/httpd/logs/error_log" TransferLog "/alidata/server/ht...标签: linux
[linux]Install mod_ssl.so in apache without rebuild apache
1.Find my source code and apxs: ~$locate apxs /alidata/server/httpd-2.2.29/bin/apxs ... /home/tmp/sh-1.4.1/httpd-2.2.29/ 2.Enter the ssl directory of source code: cd /home/tmp/sh-1.4.1/httpd-2.2.29/modules/ssl 3.Run apxs: /alidata/server/httpd-2.2.29/bin/apxs -i -c -a -D HAVE_OPENSSL=1 -...标签: linux
突然想到一种抓取网络图片保存至网站的方法: 首先提交网络图片url到服务器,服务器调用curl方法将图片保存,并生成图片地址,返回图片地址给前端, 这样一来,前端看上去就是将网络图片转成了自己的图片了。日历
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- Goonog
i get it now :) - 萧
@Fluzak:The web host... - Fluzak
Nice blog here! Also... - Albertarive
In my opinion you co... - ChesterHep
What does it plan? - ChesterHep
No, opposite. - mojoheadz
Everything is OK!... - Josephmaigh
I just want to say t... - ChesterHep
What good topic - AnthonyBub
Certainly, never it ...